UNIT 3 Audio Critical Reflection (Self-interview)
We have talked about your work in Unit 2 interviews, now could you introduce your current work?
2. Tell me more about the extension between Unit 2 and Unit 3 artworks.
3. What caused this extension? How did you change?
Ling Huang, Copenhagen summer, Photograph, 2022
Ling Huang, Norwegian serenity, Photograph, 2022
4. Why did you use multimedia? You mentioned that video and photography have become a more important part. Why is that?
The blue woman, Opera, 2022
5. Let’s talk about visual poems & written poems. Why did you call them visual poems? What’s the meaning of your written poems?
Ling Huang, Norwegian serenity, Photograph, 2022
Ling Huang, Norwegian serenity series, Photograph, 2022
6. What’s the relationship between visual poems, written poems, videos and paintings? How did they work together?
Ling Huang, Floating, Photograph, 2022
Ling Huang, Floating, acrylic on paper,
29.7cm x 21cm, 2022
Ling Huang, Swimming, digital painting,
29.7cm x 21cm, 2022
Ling Huang, Swimming, acrylic on canvas,
42cm x 29.7cm, 2022
7. Could you tell us more details about your paintings? Green and blue colours seems appear all the time.
Ling Huang, Copenhagen summer, Photograph, 2022
Ling Huang, Spring, digital painting,
29.7cm x 21cm, 2022
Ling Huang, Swimming, digital painting, acrylic on canvas, acrylic on paper, different sizes, 2022
Ling Huang, Rain day reminiscence, photograph, 2022
Ling Huang, Rain day reminiscence 1-4, acrylic on paper, 29.7cm x 21cm, 2022
Ling Huang, Untitled, acrylic on paper, 29.7cm x 21cm, 2022
Ling Huang, Untitled, acrylic on canvas, 60cm x 50cm, 2022
Lina Vonti, STILLNESS IN THE JUNGLE, acrylic paint, oil pastels and gold on canvas, 120cm x 100cm, 2022
8. Let's talk about the imagery or elements in the video. What influences you?
Diane Kurys, Diabolo menthe ( Peppermint soda), Film, 1977
Shunji Iwai, All About Lily Chou-Chou, Film, 2001
Yee Chih-yen, Blue Gate Crossing, Film, 2002
Carolee Schneemann, Water Light/Water Needle (Lake Mahwah, NJ), 16mm film on video, 1966, color, sound, 11:13 minutes. All images courtesy of Hales Gallery, London.
9. How do you feel about your work so far?
10. It’s been a year since you study in Camberwell. What do you think of your changes from Unit1 to Unit 3?
Ling Huang, In Prison, Acrylic on canvas, 75cmx 50cm, 2021
Ling Huang, Dance 3, Oil pastel on paper, 29.7cmx 21cm, 2022
Ling Huang, Serenity, digital painting,
29.7cm x 21cm, 2022
The Blue Woman. (2022). [Opera] Royal Opera House.
Kurys, D. (1977). Peppermint Soda. amazon.com. Available at: https://www.amazon.com/Peppermint-Soda-Anouk-Ferjac/dp/B085VXYXBR [Accessed 16 Nov. 2022].
All About Lily Chou-Chou, Film. (2001). Directed by Shunji Iwai. Rockwell Eyes inc.
Water Light/Water Needle. (1966).Directed by Carolee Schneemann
风行女王 (2013). Blue Gate Crossing 蓝色大门(2002)【桂纶镁/陈柏霖】_哔哩哔哩_bilibili. [online] www.bilibili.com. Available at: https://www.bilibili.com/video/BV1nv411i7a6/?spm_id_from=333.1007.top_right_bar_window_custom_collection.content.click&vd_source=9b91753d4d27351639b91001e0378057 [Accessed 16 Nov. 2022].
星星采集员 (2022). Shunji Iwai 沉浸式感受岩井俊二眼中的春夏秋冬_哔哩哔哩_bilibili. [online] www.bilibili.com. Available at: https://www.bilibili.com/video/BV1Bd4y1M7on/?spm_id_from=333.1007.top_right_bar_window_custom_collection.content.click&vd_source=9b91753d4d27351639b91001e0378057 [Accessed 16 Nov. 2022].